

The honbu dojo was founded in 2018. I have been involved with various styles of martial arts, my whole life, training amongst others in JKA Karate, teaching Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu, MMA, practicing Kendo, Kenjutsu, Battojutsu, Iaido and Koryu.

My passion has always been linked with the Samurai and their fighting arts and philosophy, the katana and wakizashi and the various styles of swordsmanship that was practiced.

I have lived by the principles and virtues of Budo and am keen to share my knowledge obtained over a forty year search and scholarship, with you.

I am sincere in my pursuit to teach this art correctly and transmit the deep layers of teaching as I had received it.

Samurai means to serve and utilise what they had learnt to benefit the community. I truly believe that this art may achieve just that.

As swordsmanship forms such a central theme in the Samurai arts and philisophy of Bushido, it has very deep roots and many, many layers to uncover. Waza is but the start.

Like a master swordsmith forges rough tamahagane into a beautiful blade, we will endeavor to forge your spirit for a thousand hours and then polish it for ten thousand more.

The training never stops and perfection can never be obtained, but we will continue our endeavor together.


To this end I have chosen to formulate the school’s curriculum around the following topics.

  1. Reigi –  Etiquette
  2. Ashi Sabaki – Footwork
  3. Te No Uchi – Gripping the sword – Shibori – Wringing the Wash Cloth
  4. Happo Kamae – The eight stances
  5. Happo Giri – The eight cuts
  6. Happo Batto – Eight styles of drawing the sword – Battojutsu
  7. Happo Noto – Eight ways of sheathing the sword
  8. Nukitsuke/ Nukiuchi – Kirioroshi/ Kiritsuke – Chiburi – Zanshin – Noto
  9. The eight Toyama Ryu Kata
  10. The eight Nakamura Ryu Kata
  11. The eight Seitei Toho Kata
  12. Nakamura Ruy Kumitachi Kata
  13. Freeform Kumitachi based on Tenshin Ryu
  14. Tanren – Forging power kata using the Furibo
  15. Tameshigiri – Test cutting of the Toyama Ryu
  16. Gekken Shiai
  17. Shodo – The eight brush strokes
  18. Principles of Swordsmanship – Shisei Posture, Kokyo Breath, Metsuke Eye Contact, Kihaku Energized Intent, Maai Distance, Seme Pressure,  Zanshin Awareness
  19. Heiho and Waza – Sword Strategy and Technique – Shikake and Oji Waza, Sen no Sen, Tai no Sen, Go no Sen,
  20. Three ways to make an opening Suki (Sansappo) – Ken Wo Korosu -Kill the sword, Ki Wo Korosu – Kill  the spirit or Waza Wo Korosu – Kill the technique
  21. Bokuto – Mastering wood before Steel
  22. Katana and Wakizashi – Mastering Steel
  23. Waza – Jutsu – Do – Finding and Following the way
  24. Okuden Seishin – Deep level of transmission – Mastering Self
The Heart of Nothingness

Certification follows the old way of budo progression, where the student will receive an official hand calligraphy membership certificate and will be awarded a certification of proficiency in the school’s techniques after at least 3 – 5 years of study. Advanced certifications will be awarded on individual basis as deserved and earned.

Membership Certificate

As this is not a sport we do not hold competitions, but do occasionally participate in  Budo demonstrations.

We follow strict dojo etiquette, in honor and respect for the samurai knowledge ( Bujutsu) we are transmitting. Because we work with dangerous weapons, keiko should always be approached with humility, honor and respect.

Costs are determined on individual basis. Members may join without any prior martial arts experience or equipment as we do have some spare, but an investment will have to be made in obtaining equipment as you progress.

What is most important is to have the right attitude and show an appropriate level of commitment.


I have no more than three spots open at any one time as I believe in quality tuition and transmission and not in quantity of members. Contact me to set up a short interview, as this is a serious commitment and I would like to help manage expectations and set you up for a successful journey.

頑張ってください Ganbatte Kudosai

Please always do your best !

Contact Johan Conradie sensei  Beginner’s Seminar  Membership Application
